Rules QSO Party

Convert ADIF to Cabrillo Format, use this tool: 

Contest:        FT4DMC QSO Party  ( MAR. | JUN. | SEP. )

Date:                      29-09-2024
Time:                      17:00 – 17:59 UTC ( 1 hour ) 
Stations to be worked:          ALL, each station ONCE PER BAND!
Bands:                    10 15 20 40 80 m
Mode:                     FT4 (standard FT4 QSO not contest mode)
Exchange:              Signal report and Locator (4-diggit), standard FT4 QSO 
Categories:            SOP LP, single TRX, max 100 W.
                                SOP QRP, single TRX, max. 5 W.


Multipliers:             Each QSO counts 1 point, each new locator counts 1 point
Final score:             Sum QSOs  X Sum new locators = score 

Award Manager      OE6VIE

Logs                         Logs  must be sent within 7 days, latest 06.10.2024 to
Each participant will receive a certificate. 
 How does the FT4 QSO party work?
In principle, a QSO party works just like your normal daily FT4 QSO. You use your WSJT-X or JTDX program in normal FT4 mode, not in contest mode, and no special contest program is required. It is important that you start a new log so that you only have QSOs between 17:00 and 17:59 UTC in your log after the party.  
You call CQ CALLSIGN LOCATOR, e.g. CQ OE6VIE JN77 or reply to a CQ with OE1SGU OE6VIE JN77. To avoid problems, please only use „normal callsigns“ without additions such as /P, /QRP or similar, and also refrain from using special callsigns with excess length. The reason for this is that no locator is then sent during the CQ call and the stations will have difficulties logging the locators if they are not visible anywhere.
Please pay urgent attention to actual SNR reports (not 599) and 4-digit locators in the exchange (in the Cabrillo file)!
Try to work as many stations as possible and as many different locators as possible. Look at the announcement and read it carefully. After the QSO party, save your ADIF file. For the evaluation we always need a Cabrillo file, the best way is to use an online converter for ADIF to Cabrillo, which you can find on the website 
During the first QSO party in March it was quite chaotic what I received in some logs, to optimise this for faster evaluation, a standard Cabrillo file will be a must! Email the Cabrillo file to the contest manager

ADIF files will not be accepted and the log would be invalid.